
May 3rd, 2024

Hello to all my gorgeous travelers!

I thought this morning to myself, I really need to add more “glimmers” to my newsletter, because I don’t feel like I did that enough last time. So what? That's in the past. Today is the start of something new.

Yes, the intro said “gorgeous”, and yes, it said “travelers”.

Some of you might be thinking, “Hey! I haven’t been traveling anywhere!”

But you have.

Where you go in your mind is a place. What you see in your imagination is a place you are traveling to.

Whether you are experiencing this place for the first time by reading a detailed description, or hearing someone speak about their vacation there, or seeing the place with your own eyes… you went there.

A wise person once said, “You cannot go to a place you have not been first in your imagination.”

Let’s go to a place today.


I am standing at the foot of Westminster Abbey. It is SO BIG. Like, the carvings on it are so huge it makes me wonder how long it took to build this thing. It is so big that I would have to stand way down the street to get the whole thing in one picture. As I am taking a video of the bell towers the bells start to ring! It is so wonderful. I feel like I am witnessing a profound moment.

I later found out that there are ten bells in Westminster Abbey, and they are only rung for special events: All major church festivals, Royal and abbey anniversaries, saints' days, civic events, and special services. We later found out it was Prince William’s birthday that weekend, because as we were trying to walk down Parliament Street in the heat wave of June 2023 there were so many people that we couldn’t even move forward. We were bewildered! Then it happened… the royal carriage with white horses drove by. Everyone cheered! It was amazing.

Now I am not one to swoon at royalty, but this procession was striking. It made me think of Jesus and his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. People lined the streets and threw their jackets in the street for the donkey he was riding on to trample. People waved palm branches. They were so excited to welcome their king.

What does it make you think of?

As the crowd dispersed, I continued to think of the pomp of the presentation. It made me feel fortunate that we just happened to be there, because we did not at all plan it.

Now, on to other business!

THE WINNER OF THE TRIVIA GAME at the Renaissance Festival last weekend! 

You win 50$!

The trivia question I chose for the festival was: “What has the World Institute of Happiness determined to be the happiest country in the world for the 7th year running?”

That’s right! FINLAND!

There were several people who got the answer right, so I will shuffle the cards here….

Ok I’ve got the winner: Angelica Jones!

Angelica, email me back with your mailing address and I will send you your prize!

Great job!

Well gorgeous travelers, I am going to say goodbye for now. I will have another glimmer story for you in the next issue. Until then, continue to travel. Whether physically or in your imagination, go somewhere!

Much love to you all.
